The climate of the Algarve is throughout the year very mild, compared to the rest of mainland Europe. It is from April to October during the day usually about 20°C and the daily average number of sunshine in these month are 8 to 12 hours.
Because to its coastal location it is often a bit windy, which is very pleasant in the hot summer month with an average of almost 30°C in the shade. In the month from Mai to the end of October, there is almost no rainy days. The water temperatures exceeds June to October 20°C and decreases in Winter to about 15°C. For people who are a little sensitive to heat, in Spring/early Summer and late Summer/Autumn the Algarve offers an ideal climate with warm temperatures and almost no rain. The blooming vegetation opens up in January the beautiful long spring, followed by a nice sunny Summer and a glorious Autumn with warm colors.
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